This application helps you to organize and share your data.
No account, no subscription, no ads, no required connection.
Your data privacy is respected with encryption and passwords.
Support is available 7-days-a-week.
Backup your binders regularly.
Android device binders are deleted if the application is uninstalled.
The desktop application is available on the Web site.
Each binder is a database.
You can create as many binders as you need.
Look at examples and how they work.
If you don't find a simple solution, contact us.
A binder can have many form types.
Form types
Forms are defined by their form type which you can modify according to your needs.
A form type can have as many fields as necessary.
A field can have a type of value or linked forms.
To add many pictures to a form, add a linked forms field to a new dependent form type with a picture field.
Example: binder “fields”.
The value is a choice of one or many cases.
Use the Case constant value function to read the case configured number.
Constant value
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Case from a number
Result: the case with the chosen constant value.
Requires a single value.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
Number fields with configured minimum and maximum values can display a slider bar.
The field width depends on the configured maximum value.
Available functions
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the total of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the minimum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the maximum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the average of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the median of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the calculated value of the operations.
If a term has many values, they are summed.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Use an Operations function for parenthesis.
Rounded value
Result: the rounded number.
Text value
Result: the number from the text.
Requires a single value.
Number of texts
Result: the number of contained texts.
Date value
Result: the numeric value from the date.
Minutes between dates
Result: the number of minutes between the dates.
Returns an integer number.
Days between dates
Result: the number of days between the dates.
Returns an integer number.
Months between dates
Result: the number of months between the dates.
Returns an integer number.
Years between dates
Result: the number of years between the dates.
Returns an integer number.
Days of a duration
Result: the number of days of the duration.
Returns a number with decimals.
Hours of a duration
Result: the number of hours of the duration.
Returns a number with decimals.
Number with fractional parts
Result: the converted temporal number (1.30 gives 1.5).
Requires a single value.
Result: the latitude of the GPS position.
Requires a single value.
Result: the longitude of the GPS position.
Requires a single value.
Distance between GPS positions
Result: the distance in meters between the GPS positions.
Text length
Result: the length of the text.
Text position
Result: the position of the second text in the first text.
Uppercase letters are ignored.
The value is always positive.
Case constant value
Result: the constant value of the case of the field.
Use the Case constant value function to read the case configured number.
Number of cases
Result: the number of cases of the field.
Form identification code
Result: the form identification code.
Form index
Result: the index of the form in the list, only during item display.
Array search
Result: the array value or the index of the term.
Random number
Result: a random number.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended.
Result: the power of the number.
Square root
Result: the square root of the number.
Requires a single value.
Opposite number
Result: the opposite value of the number.
Requires a single value.
Inverse number
Result: the inverse value of the number.
Requires a single value.
Absolute value
Result: the absolute value of the term.
Requires a single value.
Result: the remainder of the Euclidean division.
Result: the number plus the percentage.
Result: the number minus the percentage.
Result: the percentage between the numbers.
Result: the Pi constant.
Result: the sine of the term.
Requires a single value.
Result: the cosine of the term.
Requires a single value.
Result: the Euler's number e raised to the power of the number.
Requires a single value.
Result: the logarithm of the number.
Requires a single value.
Number of forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Number of all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the ambient temperature if the device has a sensor.
Result: the ambient humidity if the device has a sensor.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
Use a text field if no other field suits.
Style markups allow to add colors in text like ...|bold on yellow|important text|....
You can add custom markups with short names in the binder configuration.
Available functions
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Text part
Result: the part of the text.
Example: the first character if begin=0 and end=1.
Text item
Result: the item from the separated text with index beginning to 0.
Split lines with the Escape character option and enter \n as separator.
Result: the gathered texts.
Result: a randomly generated password.
Empty or spaces
Result: an empty text or with spaces.
Result: the formatted text.
Form variety
Result: the name of the form variety.
Result: the text from the number.
Result: the text from the date.
ISO date
Result: the ISO text from the date.
Week day
Result: the day of the date.
Result: the month of the date.
Spelled number
Result: the spelled number text.
Example: dollar, cent, 100.
Initials from name
Result: the initials from the given name.
Postal code from address
Result: the postal code from the address text depending on the device locale.
Multilingual text
Result: the text from the multilingual text.
Case name
Result: the case name of the field.
Duration between dates
Result: the duration between the dates.
Open Location Code
System variable
Result: the value of the system variable.
Result: the text with the replacements.
Replace spaces with the Escape characters option and enter \40 as text to replace.
Style markups cleaning
Result: the text without any style markups.
HTML color
Result: the HTML color code from the color.
Result: the text encoded with UTF-8.
Value from Web
Result: the value of the parsed JSON path (examples: a.b, [0].a, a[0].b) from the URL.
The field can be configured to store the calculated value to avoid online updates.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
The Type editor options allow to open external applications.
With Document fields, you can choose files to copy and open in the binders folder.
Binders and documents are synchronized together.
Large files can be in a cloud storage and accessed from Web addresses.
File paths are restricted by Android security rules.
Shared references allow to navigate between forms of many binders with the same value.
Device contact fields allow to choose and open contacts but Android security blocks data access.
Style markups
Format: ...|markup|text|....
Example: |on yellow|text|.
Example: |italic white on black|text|.
Example: |underline|text|.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
The precision can be up to milliseconds.
Android notifications are scheduled when the application is in background.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the minimum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the maximum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the current date.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended.
Result: the date plus the duration.
Result: the date minus the duration.
Mixed date
Result: the date calculated from the terms.
The default date is now.
Binder last change
Result: the binder last modification date.
Form last change
Result: the form last modification date.
Form creation
Result: the form creation date.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
The precision can be up to milliseconds.
Highest durations are at most in days.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the total of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the minimum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the maximum of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Result: the average of terms.
Requires at least one value.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Between two dates
Result: the number of seconds between the dates.
The value is always positive.
With daylight saving time, a day may last 23h or 25h.
Result: the calculated value of the operations.
If a term has many values, they are summed.
Hidden fields can be used for intermediary results.
Use an Operations function for parenthesis.
Form duration
Result: the total number of seconds of the form period.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
Default picture width is 600 pixels.
Ten pictures take about 1Mb.
The both storage and display sizes can be configured.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the generated barcode type from the text.
HTML color
Result: the color from the text with a HTML color code.
Form variety
Result: the icon of the form variety.
Possibility case
Result: the icon of the possibility field case.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
GPS position
The maximum precision is 6 decimals (=11 cm).
A binder can be exported to a GPX file.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Field from the current form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the current form.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from the previous form
Result: the value of the last field of the path from the previous form.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended to avoid needless calculations.
The sort order is important to determine which form is the previous one.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Field from all forms
Result: the value of the last field of the path from forms of a type.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
Result: the current GPS position.
The Calculated and stored option is recommended.
Open Location Code
Result: a specific term if a condition is true or false.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else <term if A is false>.
Example: if <condition A> then <term if A is true> else if <condition B> then <term if B is true> else <term if A and B are false>.
Constant value
Result: the configured constant value.
Can be used as a default value for a field.
Empty field
Result: true if the field is empty.
Current form possibility equal
Result: true if the field has the chosen case.
The calculation is ignored if a field is empty.
The forms list can be filtered and sorted.
If the field has many choices, use logical functions to check each of them.
Contains text
Result: true if the terms match.
Current form equal
Result: true if a tested form is the same that the current one.
Choose a field to test some linked forms of the current form.
Result: true if the term is false.
Requires a single value.
Result: true if all terms are true.
Result: true if at least one term is true.
Has result
Result: true if the term gets some result.
Strong password
Result: true if the value is a strong password (at least one digit, one sign, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter).
Week day
Result: true if the date is one of the chosen days.
Current form variety equal
Result: true if the form has the chosen variety.
Result: true if the comparison is true.
Requires two values.
Result: true if the comparison is true.
Requires two values.
Result: true if the comparison is true.
Requires two values.
Locked form
Result: true if the form is locked.
Export profile
Result: true if the chosen export profile is used for export.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
Alternative value
Result: the first term else the second term and so on.
Example: <Number field maybe empty> else <Constant value 1>.
Calculation types
● Entered else calculated: result or default value (Common case).
● Calculated and stored: during the form creation.
● Calculated on demand: recalculation button.
● Calculated on demand if empty: optional recalculation button.
● Calculated else entered: remplacement value (Rare case).
Converted field
Some fields can be converted to another field type.
Some conversions are not reversible.
From a linked form
A field can be moved from a linked form type.
Sort order
To compare two forms and determine which one is the first.
Custom order allows user to manually change forms order.
Huge forms lists are displayed faster with the No sort option in the form type settings.
List statistics are not available if the form type has the No order option.
You can configure some named sort orders to choose on forms lists menu.
A linked forms list can be displayed in its own page.
Huge forms lists are size limited to avoid long displaying and very long scrolling.
Forms or some fields only can be directly entered in a list with the Embedded option.
You can distinguish some forms with the same type.
Example: a person form type with man and woman form varieties.
Example: binder “varieties”.
Form parts
Fields can be grouped with a form part.
Example: binder “form parts”.
Validation rules
Validation rules allow to calculate if a form is valid or not.
Each form can be filled and linked to others.
Example: an address is linked to a city which is linked to a country.
Some forms can depend on others, like an invoice line depends on an invoice.
If an invoice is deleted, its lines are deleted too.
A possibility field suits for a changing state (unpaid/paid).
Form varieties suit for a changeless state (type of invoice).
Relational databases
Unlike a relational database, you don't have here to manage keys and joins.
You can organize your data naturally with multiple links between forms.
It's a design tool which works with real data.
You can use powerful features as cascade deletion, table inheritance, validation rules, constraints and calculated fields.
Linked forms
Two linked form types have both linked form fields.
These two field are configured to link only one or many forms.
The forms filter allows to set the available forms.
A favorite binder is displayed first.
Binders can be grouped in categories.
Forms lists can be grouped in categories.
An empty field can be configured to be hidden.
Fields can be grouped with a form part.
A field can be always hidden.
A field can be visible only for some form varieties.
Validation helps you to manage missing or incoherent data.
Example: if a number field value is greater than the defined maximum.
Validation rules allow to calculate if a form is valid or not.
User deleted forms can be restored from the Search Recycle bin page.
The recycle bin can be emptied using Clear history in the binder menu.
Some forms can depend on others, like an invoice line depends on an invoice.
If an invoice is deleted, its lines are deleted too.
The dependent forms are hidden in the binder main page but you can show them with the View all option.
Binder size
Clear history allows to reduce the binder size (the database is rebuilt).
Huge forms lists are displayed faster with the No sort option in the form type settings.
Use the Calculated and stored option to skip useless calculations.
Your data can be imported from CSV or XML files.
Configure the fields type to create and fill.
You can configure how a linked form is found from a column value.
Key fields are used to find existing forms to update.
Advice: to import forms of an existing type, export with the reimport option first and import with the same columns.
Example: to import customers and invoices files, import the customers first with the customer code as key and then the invoices with the customer code as linked form.
Your data can be exported in many file types: PDF, WordML, CSV, XML ,JSON, ....
Each file type has own limitations, like asian languages support for PDF.
WordML DOC files require Microsoft Word.
PDF export
If a column is not wide enough, you can hide, reduce other columns or use the Second line option.
Example: a number field with a configured maximum has a reduced width.
The background picture may be a .jpg or .png file.
Example: binder “PDF”.
Calendar export
All forms with a date can be exported to a dedicated calendar.
If the calendar application has issues (Xperia), use another one (Google).
Used for searching, filtering and exporting to calendar.
Device contacts
Forms can be exported to dedicated contacts of the device.
Text fields with the Full name, Address, Email, Phone, SMS options are used.
The device existing contacts are never modified.
The application only reads the user chosen device contacts.
Both Text fields with the Device contact and the Full name option are required to import.
Android Intent
You can add or read form data using an Android Intent.
The field values follow the CSV columns format.
For Tasker, configure Extra with line:key=value key="value 2" ....
To read the nearest form from a given location.
"command"="exportForm", "binder"="world atlas", "formType"="country", "sortField"="capital coordinates", "sortDirection"="near", "sortLatitude"="48.878431", "sortLongitude"="2.364428".
To add a form.
"command"="importForm", "binder"="world atlas", "formType"="continent", "name"="atlantis".
Command line
You can export a binder to XML file using a command line.
--command="exportBinderXML" --binder="world atlas" --folder="C:\".
It is important to keep backup copies.
Binders are synchronized between two folders.
Only the newest version of each binder is kept.
Some Cloud providers require to create binders on Android first to be visible.
A Generism sub folder is automatically created in cloud folders.
Binder files have .gnbp extension.
Renaming a binder file creates a duplicate during synchronization.
You can check cloud files with the dedicated application.
Binder deletion
Synchronization never deletes binders, to protect user data.
You have to delete the binder in both local and cloud folders.
Between a device and a computer
1 - If there is no cloud folder in the computer file explorer, install the cloud application.
2 - Add a binder on the device.
3 - Synchronize on the device.
4 - Wait for the cloud update.
5 - Go with the the file explorer in “Generism” cloud subfolder.
6 - Launch “Binders.bat”.
7 - Modify the binders on the computer.
8 - Wait for the cloud update.
9 - Synchronize on the device.
Between two devices
1 - Add a binder on the device A.
2 - Synchronize on the device A.
3 - Wait for the cloud update.
4 - Synchronize on the device B.
5 - Modify the binders on the device B.
6 - Synchronize on the device B.
7 - Wait for the cloud update.
8 - Synchronize on the device A.
Copyright © 2013-2025 Generism. All Rights Reserved.